Enrolment options

Responsibilities of Charity Trustees

Pre-requisites: None

This module aims to enable you to understand the role and responsibilities of trustees in safeguarding.

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe the role and responsibilities of a trustee in relation to safeguarding in a charity.
  • Understand the roles of designated safeguarding personnel and how they work with the board of trustees, stakeholders, staff, and service users.
  • Identify the key policies and procedures that should be in place in your charity and how they should be managed and developed.
  • Evaluate your own charitys preparedness to deal with safeguarding issues. 

This module will not equip you to be an expert in safeguarding but to understand the basics, how you can play your part and what your organisation should have in place. You will identify during the course where to get more help and expertise from.

  • Enrolled students: 8
Self enrolment (Learner)

This course requires a payment for entry.

Cost: GBP 25.00

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